For the Conservancy, stewardship means caring for Marblehead’s natural open spaces, both for today’s residents and visitors and for future generations. In valuing our open spaces, it’s important to remember that continual effort is required to maintain and expand those spaces and to prepare the next generation of stewards. The Conservancy is built from volunteers like you who know that open space is important to Marblehead’s quality of life. Read more to find out how you can help!

A large part of our stewardship work is to provide care and maintenance for five miles of trails and their surrounding areas in Marblehead’s conservation lands, a task that is authorized by the Town’s Conservations Commission. We also work with other organizations having similar interests to preserve and give access to undeveloped properties. As an all-volunteer organization, we encourage everyone to take an active role in helping us care for and maintain our trails. For more information about our trails efforts and how you can help, see our Trails Stewardship pages.

Another important part of our stewardship work centers on assisting additions to Marblehead’s public open spaces. Though the potential for adding new spaces is limited, the addition of properties, such as the Lead Mill and the Ware Pond expansion, represent an on-going priority. It requires constant vigilance as properties become available and readiness to help rally financial and community support for acquisitions. To learn more about both recent accomplishments and how you can help, see our Land Stewardship pages.

A third and vital component of our stewardship is education. It serves not only to raise awareness and ownership of Marblehead’s open spaces, but, crucially, helps prepare the next generation of stewards who will continue to preserve and maintain those open spaces. to learn more about our efforts to raise awareness and to learn how you can help, see our Education Stewardship pages.