Trails in our natural open spaces require regular monitoring, maintenance, and sometimes replacement with damage typically coming from regular but heavy usage and the occasional storm. Stewardship of the town’s conservation areas, however, is a greater duty – one that includes a range of activities from trash removal and cutting overgrowth to repairing area damage and planting shrubs and trees Anyone using the trails can help!
Examples of trail work include trimming brush, digging out a re-routed trail, building stone steps and water bars, covering a trail with wood chips, raking, cutting invasive plants, and picking up trash.
Join Trail Crew!
Trail Crew work times are scheduled twice a week, every week: Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings. An email is sent once a month to identify project schedules- sign up via email. Trail Crews are rarely canceled (although rain will do it). Those who volunteer are joining the many others who have contributed over 20,000 man hours of on-site open space improvement. A monthly email newsletter provides updates on planned work, locations and event timing. For more information about Trail Crew, email