Trails stewardship focuses on making trails accessible and safe, both now and in the future. So, a main focus is on trail work: the maintenance and improvement of the trails. When needed, we also create new trails or reroute old ones to make them safer for hikers and the environment. Another key focus is on maps, since accessibility starts with helping walkers who are new to the trails find their way. Trails stewardship also means planning for future generations. To that end, we continually design trails and open space activities that will involve the next generation of stewards, such as Eagle Scout projects and Earth/Arbor Day activities.
Much of the Conservancy’s volunteer workforce is focused on trails, so the following sections provide more details on the work we do and the opportunities for volunteers to get involved and support this stewardship through the gift of time and energy.
Trail Work provides some details on our maintenance and improvement work on the trails and tells you how to volunteer for the Trail Crew
Trail Work FAQ answers frequently asked questions about our trail work and about volunteering.
Trails Committee describes the work of the committee behind our trails stewardship and provides a roster of the current committee members.